
Attendance Policy Change

August 12, 2020

Effective Fall 2020, the University Attendance Policy has been updated to ensure compliance with federal financial aid regulations. While the number of allowable absences in a course remains the same, students may no longer miss two consecutive weeks in courses that allow more than one absence.

In courses that allow for more than one absence, students absent for the equivalent of two consecutive weeks are considered to have stopped attending and will be dropped from the course with an assigned “Z” grade (failure due to non-attendance). Tuition charges and/or refunds will be based on the last date of attendance.

A student not in attendance within the first two weeks of a course who does not initiate a course drop or an Official Withdraw will be administratively dropped from the course by the University, considered a ‘No Show’ for the course and will not be assigned a grade. Tuition charges will be removed from the student’s account.

When the requisite number of absences is marked by your instructor within your course, a notification is sent to the Registrar’s Office to withdraw you accordingly.

The University’s full Attendance Policy is available in the 2020-21 Academic Catalog

Questions regarding this updated policy should be directed to your academic advisor.


  • Current Students