
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September 10, 2019

September is recognized globally as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Franklin University is dedicated to increasing awareness and promoting resources throughout the month among our campus community related to this important, though often under-recognized and misunderstood, health issue.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among traditional-aged college students nationwide, and one in four adults will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.

 If you become aware of any fellow student who indicates they are suicidal or if there is cause for concern report this information to any Franklin University staff or Faculty member. Reporting is essential! In this case, it is always better to overreact than to underreact.

Signs a student may be distressed or thinking of suicide (may include but are not limited to):

  • Depressed mood 
  • Social withdrawal 
  • Changes in appetite/sleep patterns 
  • Impulsive, reckless behavior 
  • Uncontrollable anger 
  • Dramatic mood swings 
  • Increased alcohol or drug use 
  • Anxiety, agitation, & fatigue 
  • Inability to concentrate 
  • Sense that life has no purpose 
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt 
  • Talking about thoughts of death or suicide


  • Stay calm 
  • Convey hope 
  • Express your concern 
  • Listen, offer support and understanding 
  • Do not worry about saying the wrong thing 
  • Do not judge, argue, or act shocked by their plans 
  • Provide genuine interest and support; they are what matters

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. Asking for help is a sign of strength. There are many free, confidential resources available. Below is a list of available resources, both on and off campus:

If a situation is immediately life-threatening, always call 911.

On-Campus Resources:
Franklin Intervention & Awareness Team (FIAT) 
Wellness Resources 

Local Resources:

Suicide Prevention Services 614-221-5445
Mental Health America of Franklin County 614-221-1441
North Central Mental Health Services 614-299-6600

National Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) 800-662-4357


  • Current Students